
mpgtx for Macintosh
Get mpgtx for Macintosh, a mpeg editor for cutting,
joining, demuxing and getting info on most kinds of mpg files:
mpgtx is a mpeg editor, its main page is a http://mpgtx.sourceforge.net. I
ported it to Macintosh and added a GUI for OSX.
If you dont want read, but just download, klick here for the OSX-Version to download the latest
If you dont want read, but just download, klick here for the OS9/Classic Version to download the latest
release (commandline UI).
Even If you dont like to read check the FAQ updated
10. Oct. 2002
2002-10-11 I made a new beta of mpgtx availible in the beta directory Its called mpgtx-14-beta-4.tar.gz. If you use mpgtx on mpeg2
files and have problems with vcdimager not liking your splits, I would recommend to try it
out. The older version is now called "notrecommended". Also Users of EyeTV
should now be able to split their files with this Version.
2002-09-01: I made a few fixes to the GUI + fixes in the mpgtx
engine. Its not all complete and tested, but if you like to try it out go here.
2002-08-31: The Souce for mpgtx 1.3 is now at Souceforge.
2002-08-26:New Version! mpgtx V1.3 hopefully now splits, joins and demuxes
most types of mpeg2 files. This is a major improvement!. Also (very) limited
support for .VOB files is present.
2002-08-21:I got reports the installer wont open on particular
systems. For a workaround click here.

Screenshot of the GUI
I also made a Version of mpgtx for
MacOS9. It misses large File support, and a GUI, but includes all fixes
to the code.
Old News and Old files:
2002-08-26:If you want to download the 1.2 Version its here.
2002-08-20:Installer for the mpgtx-engine now wants authentication.
if you had problems installing the software, download again and retry.
2002-08-19:GUI Completed.
The mpgtx GUI now makes most of the features mpgtx availible to OSX Users.
This includes split, join, demux, also operations can be done with several
2002-08-11:Todo plan for the next release:
- Add an Option to change the pixel Aspect ratio - done
- Increment Version number of mpgtx which is still 1.1 -done
- Implement the Join option in the GUI - done
- Add a job Queue or run multiple jobs concurrently - done (for splitting)
- Find the bug i introduced in the demux code - done
- Test the code on i386-Linux
- Upload to sourceforge
2002-08-09:I now made a small FAQ here which maybe
useful understanding the way mpgtx works.
2002-08-08: A new slightly more complete version of the user interface, also
the additional fixes regarding splitting files larger then 1gig are now
included - see below.
There also is an alternative GUI for mpgtx availible at: comfortableliars
home page. Since I mainly did my GUI-wrapper for learing cocoa and
Objective C, it is made in Objective-C. Comfortableliars wrapper is made in
Applescript studio. Try out both, use whichever you like. There is a small
difference in the way the two wrappers use the binary of mpgtx. While mine
uses the version installed in /usr/local/bin, Comfortableliars comes with
its own, inside the package. To make shure you use one version of mpgtx, you
must compare the files against each other - if thats important to you.
download mpgtx-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz which
includes installation for the mpgtx CLI application and the wrapper for OSX.
Known bugs of this Version:
- Large/some mpegs will yield to an endless loop when demuxing
- small bug: if you use the -P option (keep-Header), the printout of what
mpgsplit will do with the additional header is reversed, but mpgsplit will
do the right thing.
2002-08-08: (outdated - this shoud be not problem any more) For anyone who still experiences problems with audio sync loss or
stopping playback of splits, and has -some- knowledge of terminal
Please download mpgtx-bin-debug.tar.gz. its
the mpgtx CLI-engine only, install it into
/usr/local/bin, then again split a file which proved to have a problem,
compare to this version and give me feedback if the problem is gone now.
Here i again discovered a problem with the code and hopefully now fixed it
completely. it prints out some information about what it is doing and is
slower then the current version below, but reliability should be
If I get enough feedback I will include it into the release.
Please also try out the other function of mpgtx, since I changed some
counters and pointers which previously were only 16Bit to 32Bit. I hope this
does not introduce problems somewhere else!
Some feedback either positive or negative would be a big help, because I
currently have only 2 other people besides me which are testing the program
and report problems or success
Thank you!
2002-08-05 New Version, which includes fixes to the code, as also a user
interface for OSX + new Options.
Download mpgtx-1.2-binary for OSX
I wont develop mpgtx for Classic further, my apologies, I dont have the Compiler tools for
OS9, also I dont have the knowledge for making a OS9 GUI.
There are two versions, one for ppc, MacOS Classic: mpgtx-0.8b-0.6b.ppc.sit, and one for
MacOSX: binary file and Source: Source tar.gz.
Note that the OS9 App is some whatold, but it does what I expect from it,
so there currently is no need to update it to the 1.1 Version. The 1.1
Version is able to split and join files larger then 2GB. Both Apps are
ported for Console. No nice GUI. If you dont like this, wait. Maybe I will make a
wrapper app for MacOSX.
Special notes for the OS9 version:
I made some changes to the source, so that Macintosh Names are accepted. If
you use it for splitting a file called "my special mpg.mpg" in the folder
"nix" of Disk "Macintosh HD" you have to enter: mpgsplit -5 "Macintosh
HD:nix:my special mpg.mpg". Also you are able to process up to 256 file
if you put their names in a text file and then run mpgjoin @list.txt. But
then no mac names are allowed. Also better put the app in the same folder as
the files and only choose lower-case filenames.
Special notes for the OSX version:
It will be installed into /usr/local/bin as default. If you specify ranges
like [-50M] or minutes, you must enclose the ranges in double quotes!.
An older file also here but outdated: mpgcut, a simple
mpeg-cutter for macos9.
send comments to: mpg at biermann.org